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13 votes

What are the best locations for getting Effort Values in Defense?

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8 Answers

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Best answer

R/S/E: Magma Hideout/Route 124/126 Underwater. Clampearl have a 60% Encounter rate. If playing Emerald, every Spawn in the Magma Hideout gives defense evs.

FR/LG: Route 21. 100% Tangela Spawns in grass.

D/P/Pt.: Ruin Maniacs Cave/Tunnel. The Only spawns here are Geodude, or Hippopotas if you find all the Unown.

Hg/Ss: Dark Cave/Route 21. Route 32 side has 60% Geodude. Route 46 side has 50% geodude/Graveler spawns, if post game Route 21 still has 100% Tangela.

B/W: Wellspring Cave/Pinwheel Forest. Cave has 50% Roggenrola, while Forest has Sewaddle and Venipede totaling to 50%.

B2/W2: Relic Castle. Sandshrew and Yamask have a total 60% encounter rate.

X/Y: Terminus Cave. 95% Horde encounters of Durant and Geodude.

OR/AS: Route 111. 100% Sandshrew Horde Encounters.

S/M/US/UM: Exeggutor Island. SoS chain Exeggcute for double the evs per defeated mon.

Sw/Sh: Route 3. The grass directly beneath the Galar Mine has a 99% Rolycoly spawn.

S/V: South Province Area 1/Poco Path. Tarlountula and Scatterbug are common around the fields and trees. Can use sandwich to increase Spawn chances.

Hope this helps.

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14 votes


The best place is probably Ruin Maniac's Cave, with Geodude (1 EV) and Hippopotas (1 EV), and no Zubat. Another place is Iron Island, with Geodude (1 EV), Graveler (2 EVs), Onix (1 EV) and Steelix (2 EVs). There is also Oreburgh Mine, which is good because it has low-level Pokemon.


Route 45: Geodude (1 EV) and Graveler (2 EVs), plus Gligar (1 EV) or Skarmory (2 EVs) depending on version.

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7 votes

Black / White:

Roggerola 1 EV
Woobats 1 Spe EV

Yamask 1 EV
Cofagrigus 2 EVs
Onix 1 EV
Sandslash 2 EVs

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3 votes

Or Orborough gate. That almosst always has geodude.

2 votes

Black/White 2 - Defense spots

Chargestone Cave - Nosepass (1 EV), Klink (1 EV), Ferroseed (1 EV).
Avoid the rest (note: Boldore gives 1 Def and 1 Atk EV).

Haven't found anywhere with all Defense Pokemon yet.

I would suggest Lostlorn Forest. There are a lot of Swadloon (2 EV) and some Venipede (1 EV).

Need to avoid the Cottonee that gives Speed EV (Black 2) and the Petilil which provide SAtk EV (White 2).
1 vote

Galar mine: Rolycoly (1 EV, common), Roggenrola (1 EV, common, beware of sturdy), around level 11
Carkol (2 EVs, 1 guaranteed spawn), level 18-19
Route 3: Rolycoly (1 EV, overworld spawn, very common), around level 11
Route 1: Wooloo (1 EV, overworld, common), level 3-6

These are my preferred early-game spots, as the Pokemon are very common and also very low-level and easily OHKOable.

0 votes

i would like to add onto DarthDestiny's post for Black / White: the Durant's in victory road offer 2 def. they are pretty common

finally a use for durant!
0 votes

Best Emerald location--Walking at Magma Hideout: Geodude (1 EV), Graveler (2 EVs), Torkoal (2 EVs)
